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Plaza Studio

Reservations +55 (51)3220.7000 or 99597.0235
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The Plaza Sao Rafael Hotel, in partnership with Hoffmann, one of the best in the segment of audiovisual solutions with rental and operation of high performance equipment for over 30 years, offers the Plaza Studio for virtual and hybrid events for you and your company.
The super technology and cutting-edge equipment, including LED panels – more resolution during the event’s transmission – combined with the security of a hotel make the Plaza Sao Rafael one of the only hotels in Porto Alegre with this type of service.
The state-of-the-art equipment at Plaza Studio guarantees a transmission with high quality of image, sound and connection, in addition to a television format for your event, with the possibility of accessibility, such as simultaneous translation and online sign language, to reach all audiences.

Check out everything that Plaza Studio offers:
– 2.9mm high resolution LED panel with 4k processor
– Switcher for switching signals
– Sound system with microphones and operator
– Stage / speaker lighting
– Full HD streaming with high-resolution professional cameras
– Streaming station with high processing capacity, with video feedback for participants on stage to follow the transmission
– Personalized support from the planning to the execution of the event
– Help desk via WhatsApp for customer support
– Possibility of holding several types of events: courses, meetings and lectures including video classes, congresses and workshops, conventions and product launches, lives and entertainment events

With Plaza Studio you can enjoy all the advantages of the hybrid event, which combines digital technology with the interactivity of a face-to-face event:
– Presenter or speaker on stage
– Hybrid audience
– Interactivity with content
– TV dynamics
– Remote hybrid event with physical structure for management, audience and remote speakers with online support
– Custom template

Provide a different experience to the participant of your event with interactivity and technology, in addition to security during this pandemic period.
Talk to our Events Team and request your budget by tel. (51) 99597.0235 or by e-mail

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