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Pleasure in serving well since 1958

The Plaza Hotels has over 60 years of hospitality and is constantly being updated. The group has its own and managed hotels and maintains ongoing partnerships with hotel expansion and management projects, in addition to initiatives in the vacation ownership program. Rede Plaza has among its main objectives to offer services of superior quality, with broad respect for the environment and with technological tools that bring together and facilitate the interaction of customers. Currently, there are more than 700 accommodations (between rooms and suites) in the hotels under their control.
Plaza hotels is a group that maintains its pioneering spirit in projecting the future, living up to the commemorative slogan of 60 years in 2018: Hospitality in Transformation!

To provide accommodation and service to people, offering comfort, safety, comprehension and services with superior quality standards.

To be the provider of preferred hospitality means for enterprises, with a focus on customer care and service, delivering the best value to the shareholder and offering services at competitive prices and a high perceived value. To be recognized, according to our clients, as a hotel chain that is truly present in their lives, providing differentiated services, at a fair price.

– Integrity and ethics
– Responsibility
– Social Commitment
– Excellence and Competence
– Excellent results

– Follow the Golden Rule (treat others as you would like to be treated)
– Embrace these values unconditionally
– Be egalitarian
– Be proactive
– Be committed


October 21 - End of the contract of the Plaza Ecoresort Capivari as chained-brand.

January 1st - Beginning of the management and operation of the Plaza Barra First, in Rio de Janeiro.

April - End of the contract of the Pousadas Arraial do Ouro, Canto da Vigia and Ponta do Lobo as chained-brand.

October - End of the contract of the Plaza Florianópolis Hotel as chained-brand.

July 1st - Launch of the Pousadas by Plaza Hotels: Pousada Arraial do Ouro, Pousada Canto da Vigia and Pousada Ponta do Lobo in Santa Catarina.

May 1st - Beginning of the management and operation of the Plaza Ecoresort Capivari, in Parana.

July 1st - End of the contract of the Plaza Itapema Resort & Spa as chained-brand.

In November 14, started the operation of Plaza Florianópolis Hotel, Santa Catarina.

December 29, Bahia Plaza Hotel inauguration in Camaçari-BA.

April 26, Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz SPA inauguration at Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz Resort.

March 14, Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz Resort open in Santo Amaro da Imperatriz-SC.

December 18, Plaza Blumenau Hotel opens in Blumenau-SC.

April 14, Plaza Sao Rafael Hotel inauguration, located in Porto Alegre’s downtown.

December 16, Itapema Plaza Resort open in Itapema-SC.

August 5, Porto Alegre Plaza Hotel inauguration, also known as “Plazinha” (Little Plaza).

Plaza Hotels starts by the constitution of a group of businessmen from Porto Alegre led by Mr. Ernest John Schmidt.


  • 2019 Marcas de Quem Decide (Brands of Those Who Decide)

    Jornal do Comércio Award – Porto Alegre / RS – Brazil: Top-of-Mind and most preferred brand for the twenty-first consecutive time in the Hotel category in Rio Grande do Sul.

  • 2019 Adrian Awards

    HSMAI – Hospitality Marketing Awards – New York / USABronze in the category Email / Digital Marketing, with the Pet Friendly advertising campaign.

  • 2016 Adrian Awards

    HSMAI – Hospitality Marketing Awards – New York / USA: Bronze in the category Email / Digital Marketing

  • ™ “TripAdvisor Travelers Choice” 2019

    The highest award of the TripAdvisor elected by travelers from around the world and the best comments and opinions from across the entire global travel community.

  • 2019 Certificate of Excellence Award TripAdvisor

    Hotel consistently commended with the highest praise by travelers.

  • Municipality of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz Certificate of Recognition – 2018

    Certificate of Recognition of the Municipality of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz – SC for the important collaboration in favor of Caldas da Imperatriz.

  • Adrian Awards 2018

    HSMAI – Hospitality Marketing Awards – New York / USA Bronze in the category Email / Digital Marketing

  • Top of Mind Porto Alegre 2019

    Award from Amanhã Magazine – Nationwide Circulation / Brazil: The brand most often remembered in the Hotel segment by residents of Porto Alegre for the eighth consecutive time.

  • 2018 Retail Merit

    Chamber of Retail Leaders Award – RS / Brazil: Retail Merit for the eighteenth time consecutive time.

  • 2016 Top Consumer

    Consumidor Teste Magazine Award – Nationwide Circulation / Brazil: Brands awarded for excellence in consumer relations and respect for the environment for the tenth and ninth time respectively.

  • 2017 Certificate of Excellence Award TripAdvisor

    Hotel consistently commended with the highest praise by travelers.

  • ALAP 2017 Social Advertising Merit

    Recognition for acting in the Defense of Social Rights related to Culture and Art in Latin America.

  • ™ “TripAdvisor Travelers Choice” 2020

    The highest award of the TripAdvisor elected by travelers from around the world and the best comments and opinions from across the entire global travel community. Bahia Plaza Hotel is part of the group of 10% of the best in the world.

  • 2018 Certificate of Excellence Award TripAdvisor

    Hotel consistently commended with the highest praise by travelers.

  • Hall of Fame 2018 TripAdvisor

    The Bahia Plaza Hotel has entered the 2018 Hall of Fame TripAdvisor for having received the Certificate of Excellence in the last five years.

  • 2019 Certificate of Excellence Award TripAdvisor

    Hotel consistently commended with the highest praise by travelers.

  • The Best of 2015

    Award from the Union of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Similar of Santa Catarina. “Superior Hotel” for the tenth consecutive time.


Sistema Fecomércio / RS
Sistema Fecomércio / RS

The partnership with the Federation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of Rio Grande do Sul is very close, thanks to the participation of the group’s directors in the actions of the entity and its branches, SESC and SENAC. The group has regular projects with the Plaza Sao Rafael Hotel in Porto Alegre, such as a partnership in the promotion of the SESC Summer Games for the Elderly, through the offer of special rates for participants.

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Mãe de Deus Health System
Mãe de Deus Health System

Be the period of preparation for examinations, surgeries or in the recovery phase, the Plaza Sao Rafael Hotel offers special rates with services that provide well-being of patients and caregivers of Mãe de Deus Health System.

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Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre
Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre

The Santa Casa de Porto Alegre and the Plaza Sao Rafael Hotel are “together for quality of life.” Be the period of preparation for the exams, while waiting for transplants, or in the recovery phase, the Plaza offers specials rates with their services that provide well-being of patients and caregivers.

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Olympic Park of Barra
Olympic Park of Barra

Plaza Barra First is a partner of Barra’s Olympic Park, which offers the Guided Tour. The Guided Tour is a totally free program that will allow the guest of the Plaza Barra to know the Olympic Legacy and experience the memory of the games. The Tour passes through Arenas Carioca 1, 2 and 3, the Velodrome and the Olympic Tennis Center. Parking is free in the park. The visit, from Tuesdays to Fridays, at 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and on Saturdays at 10:00 a.m., should be scheduled. Please, contact the front desk for scheduling.

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Moinhos de Vento Hospital
Moinhos de Vento Hospital

Thinking about the well being of their clients, the Plaza Sao Rafael Hotel offers special rates for patients and caregivers of Moinhos de Vento Hospital, both during preparation for exams as in the surgery and during recovery phase.

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The Plaza Hotels Chain has reaffirmed its partnership with the Federation of Business Entities of Rio Grande Sul – FEDERASUL – participating as a seconder of the traditional “Ta na Mesa” event. The Plaza Sao Rafael, in Porto Alegre, offers a special discount on staying for FEDERASUL members.

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Radio Arquitetura
Radio Arquitetura

Radio Arquitetura has already held several special editions in studios set up in the Plaza hotels and resorts. The events, which started in Porto Alegre, generated the Plaza Club partnership. Radio's program includes professional guests from the areas of architecture, design, engineering, art, culture, historical heritage, tourism, gastronomy and entertainment who contribute with a lot of information about the destinations and communities of which Plaza Hotels are part. His web studio has already visited the Plaza Sao Rafael Hotel (Porto Alegre/RS), Plaza Blumenau Hotel (Blumenau/SC) and Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz Resort (Santo Amaro da Imperatriz/SC).

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Bahia Plaza Hotel has a partnership with CAAB - Caixa de Assistencia dos Advogados da Bahia. You, CAAB Member, have a discount both in accommodation and in events at the Bahia Plaza. Check out:
- 15% off on booking engine rates (except holidays and special dates) and 10% on holidays and special dates
- 15% off on Slumber Party and Picnic events
Take advantage and book now!

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Bahia Plaza Hotel has a partnership with AMAB - Association of Magistrates of Bahia. You, AMAB Member, have a 15% discount on engine rates (except on holidays and special dates) and 10% on rates on holidays and special packages.

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Bahia Plaza Hotel is a partner of Caixa Economica Federal and offers 15% discount on booking engine rates (except on holidays and special dates) and 10% on rates on holidays and special packages for Caixa employees.

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Mutua members have a discount at the Bahia Plaza Hotel. They are 15% off on booking engine rates (except on holidays and special dates) and 10% on rates on holidays and special packages. Enjoy!

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Bahia Plaza Hotel is a partner of the SAEB Discount Club. The State employees in Bahia have 15% discount on booking engine rates (except on holidays and special dates) and 10% on rates on holidays and special packages. Enjoy and book now!

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Members of the Sindicato das Empresas de Tecnologia da Informaçao e Processamento de Dados do Estado do RS have a 16% discount on the rates of the booking engine rates for staying at Plaza Hotels (Plaza Sao Rafael Hotel, Plaza Blumenau Hotel, Plaza Barra First, Bahia Plaza Hotel and Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz Resort & Spa) and 10% discount on space rental for events. Enjoy!

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AGM – Associação Gaúcha de Microcervejarias
AGM – Associação Gaúcha de Microcervejarias

AGM members have special discounts on room rental and on reservations for accommodation at the Plaza Hotels (Plaza São Rafael Hotel, Plaza Blumenau Hotel, Plaza Barra First, Bahia Plaza Hotel and Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz Resort & Spa).

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Environmental care: ecology, health and welfare

“To be sustainable is to think about the world we will leave to the lives that arrive in the future!”

The Plaza Hotels, Resorts & SPAs Brazil Chain practices and promotes the sustainability of tourism by helping to preserve the environment with some actions that contribute to reducing the impact on nature. Internal actions aimed at employees and campaigns involving clients. They stand out: awareness campaign for water economy; investments to exchange for Led lamps that reduce the consumption of electric energy, more; coupled discharges with reduction of waste of water; hot water cogeneration; contracted energy, which generates a controlled and monitored expense; automated controls for correct consumption; control and separation of waste, use of biodegradable cleaning products; sewage treatment plants; collection and separation of batteries, lamps, glasses and cooking oil for recycling; acquisition of new equipment within class “A” in the economy; heating with solar panel system; lectures on ecology and environment, among others.

Check out some of these actions developed in some of our units:

Bahia Plaza Hotel – Camaçari / BA

  • Selective collection of garbage: the garbage produced at the Hotel is recycled and the money collected is donated to day care centers in the form of support
  • Effluent treatment
  • Lectures on ecology and environment
  • Treatment and use of treated water: the hotel has a water treatment plant used in the bath and in the sinks. This treated water is used for irrigation of the grass, saving the water consumption of Embasa
  • Elimination of the use of plastic bags in rooms, with the reduction of pollution in the environment
  • Partnership with the Tamar Project: monthly contribution to help maintain the Tamar Project with the preservation of sea turtles. The Hotel offers spaces to Tamar Project team for training and awareness campaigns on the importance of sea turtle preservation
  • Alert campaign for non-interaction with animals in order to protect both guests and visitors as well as the local fauna

Plaza Blumenau Hotel – Blumenau / SC

  • Waste separation
  • Sustainable employee awareness: the Hotel coordinates an improvement project with campaigns for conscious consumption of water and energy since 2016
  • Mural of sustainability: where the Hotel announces information about company actions
  • Participation in the movement “We Can” for the development of ODS (Sustainable Development Objective)
  • Participation in the 100th Day movement
  • Participation in the action “Giants of Ecology”
  • Children’s Day event with socio-environmental characteristics
  • Formation of the Improvement Groups – ECO Team – works with the Hotel’s utilities (water and electricity) analyzing and controlling the water and electricity numbers / bills; SEIKO Group – responsible for work on waste recycling. The team has created the “Internal Solid Waste Collection Center” and receives materials such as cardboard, cans, white sheets (reused sheets of printers), crystal plastics, newspapers, magazines and pet. For the implementation, the team underwent training and carried out a technical visit at the SAMAE Recycling Screening Center in Blumenau. In the last semester of 2017, for example, the Waste Center correctly allocated more than 1 tonne of waste for recycling (conscious destination), which became the value used to buy school materials for the employees’ children; Phoenix Group – responsible for replacing bulbs – generating more environmental resource savings

Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz – Santo Amaro da Imperatriz / SC

  • Resort’s biologist Fernando Maciel Brüggemann is part of the Municipal Environment Council that discusses, analyzes and issues technical opinions on environmental issues in the municipality of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz
  • Biologist Fernando Brüggemann is also a member of the Management Committee of the Cubatao River Basin, where his main responsibilities are: to arbitrate, at the first administrative level, conflicts related to water resources, including those related to the Watercourse Basin Committees tributaries; approve the Basin Water Resources plan; obligatorily submit the water resources plans of the river basin to the public hearing; develop and support initiatives in environmental education
  • On the premises of the Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz, the Biologist accompanies and guides guests on ecological trails, Bird Watching and teaches ecological lectures for both guests and the community and researchers
  • Agreements are maintained with the Federal University of Santa Catarina – monographs, thesis and master’s theses are developed with the supervision and supervision of the Biologist
  • Brüggemann is the author of the book “A Naturalist Look at Serra do Tabuleiro” (fauna, flora and ecology), the result of more than twenty years of research and work in the Serra do Tabuleiro Park, where Caldas da Imperatriz
  • Free distribution of the book for the entities, schools and teachers of the region around Serra do Tabuleiro Park, mainly for the municipality of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz. In the last edition were more than four hundred books donated to the elementary school teachers of the municipality of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz
  • Interaction with the community through lectures and ecological trails with schools in the municipalities of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz and Aguas Mornas
  • Contact with other biology professionals: every six months the Biologist teaches a lecture at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, where he reports on his professional experience and environmental activities at Plaza Caldas, where students of Biology can do internships.
  • Separation of trash at the Resort and location for proper disposal of employees’ batteries, batteries and lamps. The material is disposed of in an accredited company.
  • Lectures with employees on the subject socio-environmental responsibility: the team’s awareness makes the practice effective.
  • Treatment of effluents: the Resort has an effluent treatment plant, or sanitary sewers, with management of a sanitary engineer responsible for the proper functioning of the process.
  • Acquisition of biodegradable chemicals
  • In the chimney of the boilers were installed filters that help reduce the emission of CO²
  • All the wood used in the boilers comes from eucalyptus, reforestation wood (the Resort has an area of ​​50 hectares, in which it plants eucalyptus trees for this purpose)
  • Reforms and adjustments to the water and electric energy economy: several reforms were made in apartments and bathrooms, as well as the exchange of electronic equipment such as televisions, air conditioners and light bulbs in order to reduce water and electricity consumption in the Resort
  • Alert campaign for non-interaction with animals in order to protect both guests and visitors as well as the local fauna

Plaza São Rafael Hotel – Porto Alegre / RS

  • Selective Waste Collection, with Separation of Special Waste
  • Exclusive collection for batteries in common use
  • Proper collection and disposal of cooking oil, a product that can attack nature.
  • Separation of organic waste in partnership with a project of the Municipal Government of Porto Alegre, which allows to reuse organic waste in the form of fertilizer and / or food for pigs. About 700 needy families benefit from the processing of this waste into pig feed.
  • Participation in the Free Energy Market for non-emission of gases, use of natural gas other than LPG, contributing to the environment with non-deforestation; solar heating by tubes of mineral water (own slope) to the swimming pool on the roof of the Hotel
  • Sewage treatment station
  • Use of biodegradable materials in the maintenance of equipment, contributing to the reduction of waste and pollution of soil, water and air.
  • Back-flushing system of the hoods with high efficiency in the retention of grease vapors, guaranteeing low levels of grease and odors discharged into the atmosphere and detergent dosing automation system, external water replenishment and condensate drainage, which guarantees greater washing autonomy
  • Replacement of mercury lamps by Led

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